Neurology. A new Russian method of treatment RANC


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05 2012
Written by врач невролог А.А.Пономаренко

Compression of the sciatic nerve is one of the most common diseases. Pain can be different, from little to unbearable. One of my patients who suffered sciatica compared it with the gunshot wound to the thigh got in Afghanistan. Unfortunately, the treatment is not always effective. i won't be talking about traditional theories and based on them helpless treatments. The Internet and medical literature pay lots of attention on this acknowledged heresy. I will state only those views on the problem which are productive and methods based on them are time-tested and have positive results, you can find them on the website. One of them is in the end of this article

This article I decided to dedicate to pain in legs which is caused by compression of nerves in lumbosacral segment. Common example of such compression(in medicine it is called peripheral lesion) is sciatica. Such compression occurs when brain cells that control muscles after some negative situation change regular mode to mode of increased activity.
Stress leaves after itself stagnant centers of excitement in the brain which prevent cells from returning to the previous level of activity and muscles stay in a constant tonic tension. Exactly this leads to compression of the nerve passing in narrow places. The success of the treatment depends on whether it is possible with the help of the treatment to eliminate the cause of this disease the compression itself. The thing is those compressions can be in different places separately or in one place at the same time.

A herniated or slipped disc that causes pressure on a nerve root
This condition results from narrowing of the spinal canal with pressure on the nerves. Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of one or more areas in your spine - most often in your upper or lower back. When the narrowing occurs in the lower spine, the lumbar and sacral nerve roots may be affected. Spondylolisthesis. This condition, often the result of degenerative disk disease, occurs when one vertebra slips slightly forward over another vertebra. The displaced bone may pinch the sciatic nerve where it leaves your spine. Piriformis syndrome. The piriformis muscle starts at your lower spine and connects to each thighbone (femur). Piriformis syndrome occurs when the muscle becomes tight or goes into spasms, putting pressure on the sciatic nerve. Prolonged sitting, car accidents and falls can contribute to piriformis syndrome.

Usually it doesn't happen because brain cells that control muscles work in an adequate mode. When cells switch to intensified activity, it leads to never-ending tonic compression of muscles. In our case - compression of muscles in lumbar or buttock. nerves of these areas start being exposed to compression at one or another extent. Depending on which nerve is afflicted, in the area it controls you will fill numbness or pain. if compression is low, the numbness occurs, if compression is over the certain limit, pain is of some intensity. the success of the treatment depends on how precisely we will specify the places of compression to give therapeutic injections in order to relax muscles and eliminate nerve compression.
Back muscles hold vertebrae in the right place and differ from limb muscles, about 30% of back muscles our conscious can't control. in other words, we can't relax them when we want to because they are controlled by brain division responsible for vegetative functions, like heartbeat, intestine functions, hormone release. these brain centers are activated in response to negative stimuli and negative emotions that go with them. usually this vegetative centers activation and negative emotions happen at the same time, though sometimes it doesn't. stress can happen without emotions, for example when a person anesthetized, in coma, unconscious or sleeping(it is not a coincidence that heart attacks and strokes often happen at night). it more often happens other way round, these systems turn on without any stimuli but because of negative emotions. such increase in activity always followed by muscle tense due to the switch of nerve cells, that control muscles, to the higher level of activity. these reaction are the same for animals and humans. however, there is one difference that in more complex human brain stress can leave traces.

Traces are left in a form of cells that are in a constant state of over-excitement after the end of stimuli caused these reaction. Such traces stress can leave in all brain divisions, not only in muscles. those traces are real, new consolidations of cells which really grow together. The increased number and strength of such "unions" lead to serious disorders in a form of various diseases. the complicated network of active connections between different brain divisions. directed initially on organism defense, the reaction forms new, abnormal functional systems. the activity of these systems always have negative consequences for the organism. The disorders of some mechanisms of regulation can being compensated for a long time and result in chronic diseases. And disorders in systems that regulate heart work can lead to death in a few minutes.

Such digression is made to remind that pain in back and limbs is not a separate disease, but a part of general process. that is why if we are able to cure pain in some part of the body that we feel, we must be happy because with this pain other dysfunctions in the brain which we can't see or feel, are also gone. perhaps, the explanation of such connection between emotions, stress reactions and diseases is more important than the subject of an article. because it is easier to cure pain in the leg caused by sciatica than explain the process of premature ageing when Stable Pathological System occurred in the brain formed because of stress.

it is possible to diagnose accurately spinal disk herniation only if CT scanning is made. tense in lumbar and buttock usually can be in all previously mentioned places. depending on what muscles are tensed, nerves that are near are compressed. every nerve is located near the area it controls. that is why special schemes are designed, with their help it is possible to specify which nerve is compressed. for instance, 1st lumbar root ends in , 2nd in thigh, 3rd in buttock, 4th, 5th. the rest 4 toes and heel the 1st controls. If spinal cord herniation compress all nerve fibres, from which spinal roots,that give the beginning of sciatic nerve, are formed, the whole leg will hurt. the same pain will be if nerve roots located outside the spinal cord are compressed by muscles or the sciatic nerve itself.

if separate nerve fibers at any level are more compressed, pain will be in the area where they end. it is difficult to assess the number of involved nerves and the extent of damage. that is why it is better to use the time-tested approach. the main point is that we should influence on all places where the compression is possible. the pain in any part of the leg is caused by tense in lumbar muscles and upper part of buttock. so massive therapeutic treatment must be applied in these areas.

of course we can feel very accurately one area and find sought-for muscles to relax them. but then we have to be prepared to conduct the procedure again if muscle spasm is not eliminated or relaxed. experience shows that in comparison with extremely sore muscles, which are in severe spasticity, muscles located nearby and not that tensed or sore seem normal. after the elimination of compression on the main sore areas general pain in leg may not change because the compression on other areas, that were not treated, is stayed. these almost painless areas become clear. so, in order to exclude new therapeutic procedure, we have to give injections to all sore part of muscles located in the matched side of lumbur and the upper part of buttock where nerves are compressed.

Since man and woman brain functioning is different, pain is located in different places. women(about 80%) usually suffer pain in left ear, left eye, left shoulder, left side of a neck, left part of lumbar, right buttock, right thigh, right knee, right calf, right foot. the majority of men(about 80%) have the opposite problems, pain in right ear, right eye, right shoulder and left leg. however, nobody pays attention on these facts though the observations are not idle. considering such difference between both genders in activity of right and left hemisphere, we can even predict diseases according to ???. such regularity helps to answer the important question: why men suffer a heart attack more frequently than women, regardless the age. I'm absolutely sure about it. if we put in order the activity of vegetative centers of brain and hemispheres, where apparently the main centers responsible for stable heart work are, we will be able to decrease rapidly the heart attack death rate between men. I'm not suggesting it, I'm stating it. The purpose of this website, as i previously mentioned, is not to share my ideas, enter the field with not agreed and fight giving the evidences until win. I'm sure that I'm right and this confidence is based on which undoubtedly proved that used treatment approach RANC can change the heart work. it is possible to influence positively on rhythm, areas affected by ischemia, the location of electrical axis, conductivity may be changed, block can disappear. The improvement of health state showed by changes in objective data(ECG) prove that.
That is why i advise those, who is sceptical about my ideas, not to waste time on objections, but to check them using approach that can, in my opinion, show such positive changes.

the digression from the topic of sciatica to heart diseases i assume as right because i would like to remind that shallow view on a patient with the pain in a leg but without a heart I consider as unacceptable. summarizing the suggested, I'd like to mention that the pressure in hypertonic muscles has to be made not only to lumbar and buttock muscles. Muscle tone of all spine divisions is interdependent, that is why changes in one division under the influence of our manipulations will certainly lead to reallocation of muscles tone in other divisions. It doesn't mean that changes will be positive, it also can change in a way that pain will be higher. Thus, injections in spine muscles in order to relax them and eliminate compression are better to be given in all spasm muscles excluding only neck. According to my observations, neck division change its bent under the influence of other divisions and doesn't require any procedures. The fact that spinal cord divisions are the one united system many cases illustrate, for example, when we press on the chest and pain in a leg becomes higher.

Sometimes it happens that pain in limbs is not connected with nerve compression. When the cells activity of sensitive areas of cortex is increased, we can observe pain in limbs and their divisions. when activity of cells is lowering in areas that control them, the numbness can be felt. old people often complain about indefinite pain, as if the whole body hurts. The patients themselves think that it is the sign of ageing and doctors usually confirm their believes. If we give a list of complains and not mention the patients, we will see that we are talking about the same disorders in the same systems. for example such symptoms like headache weakness, fatigue, dizziness, impaired posture and balance, tremors in the hand, memory changes, attention deficit, slip disorders, hypertension, chest discomfort and pain may experience young patients as well as older ones. younger patient experience these symptoms when they are drunk.

All previously described symptoms are common for disorders in vegetative centers. Only if we are talking about alcohol or drug abuse, symptoms are caused by medicines close in structure to substances responsible for regulation functions in nervous system. Older patients, who have disorders in nervous system, experience symptoms caused by accumulated during the life disorders.

It is common for new emerged structural and functional systems regardless the causes, specific stability to external stimuli. N.P.Behterova called them Stable Pathological State. In order to change the existing situation with the purpose to return to former state, we have to influence on the brain with extreme strength but without harm, harm in a form of new pathological systems. we can use familiar term "reboot" for this influence.

I won't be talking about drug addiction treatment because in comparison with complains received from old patients, the factor caused disorders exists. When older patients complain about the symptoms from the list, the particular cause doesn't exist already. Exactly these patient come to the clinic. The "reboot" made by the short "fireworks" in the brain through the painful irritation in trapezius muscles, is the action possible to start the process of restoration and elimination of numerous pathological systems. It sounds fantastic but it is true. by the way, obvious usefulness and a sense as if a person was reborn after the shake-up of vegetative systems after sauna of cold swimming pool is undeniable. let's get back to sciatica. in practice we rarely encounter with a separate problem of a person, usually we have to define which disorder is prevailed, central or peripheral. Considering the priopity of disorders in the brain over the secondary, peripheral compression when nerves or plexus damaged and bearing in mind the complicated mix of symptoms, it is necessary to use a complex approach.

complex approach means that when we have any symptoms connected with hyperstimulation of the certain muscles,we always have to give injections to painful spots of trapezius muscles in both sides. it makes it possible to influence on all chains of pathological system which lead to diseases.

To sum up, i would like to say that i could just describe the treatment procedure which main principle is: "give painful injections to all muscles of spine and buttock, where the pain is ". how the procedure is conducted you can see in the video presented on this page. Although I suppose that without detailed description of causes and how the disease occurred, including sciatica, the help will still lack the effect. for instance, when the compression of sciatic nerve occurred, people think they made it ill from cold, strained it, or that it is inflamed. the standards of medical help are also not far from folk legends. that is why it is important to dispel myths now if it had not been done yesterday. the only thing I can agree with is taking medicines included in standards with the restoration of the organism is undergoing. but only as an additional therapy to the main treatment of reflex procedures.

neurologist A.A.Ponomarenko




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