Neurology. A new Russian method of treatment RANC


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Home  //  А. А. Пономаренко  //  О перспективах внедрения метода
11 2013
Written by врач невролог А.А.Пономаренко

The treatment method I worked on within the last 15 years is based on cure of disease reasons, instead of only some its symptoms. The method is fundamentally different from others used today that proved their ineffective theoretical and practical approaches a long time ago.

The principle of the method is to stimulate the brain to start in it a process that eventually leads to revival of normal activity of nerve centers in it, which in turn stabilize optimum function of organs and body systems. Since the brain manages not only all the functions of the body, but also itself, this actually leads to the fact that body returns to the state it had before the disease. As a result, good changes occurred in the body can be regarded as rejuvenescence.

In addition to my conclusions about work of this method I have over three hundred videos of patients feedbacks about positive changing in their health after use of RANC method in their treatment.

As a result, one and a half year after publication of the internet site, which contains more than 60 articles on this subject and also linked to channel with videos, you can see a positive situation, when doctors started to implement this treatment method in Russia and abroad independently.

Due to the fact that the Ministry of Health does not prohibit intramuscular injection, and the method itself is actually a type of paravertebral blockades, doctors and medical assistants easily include it in their arsenal. It is noteworthy that it happens not only in Russia, but also in other countries. It’s enough to list cities, where I know this method of treatment has been used: Artyom, Angarsk, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Ekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk, Bishkek, Tbilisi, Yerevan, Temryuk, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Murom, Novocheboksarsk, Zaporozhye, Sofia, Mecca, Kazan, Simferopol, Stavropol, Rostov-on-Don, Limassol (Cyprus), Krasnodar (except me), Vologda, Riga, Ivanovo, Cologne, Ahtubinsk, Almaty and many other places. Unfortunately, not everybody who practices this method of treatment responds and let me know, although it’s not my goal. On the contrary, I wish doctors could help those people in their regions, who get no help, but could get it without large material costs.

Due to the fact that this method is simple and has almost zero costs, it becomes being widespread. For example, a surgery for herniated disc resection costs 420 000 rubles in Moscow Burdenko hospital , but it still does not guarantee that it saves man from his pain. The proposed method of treatment allows not only to ease the pain, but also to cure its reason with 1-4 procedures without any surgery. But do not get hung up on some particular diseases as the still existing medical theory is trying to do. It is necessary to look wider and accept the results that can be obtained from implementation of the proposed method of diagnosis and treatment. You should have a broader view and accept the results, that can be obtained from the proposed for use diagnostic and treatment method. The point is not that it gives these results, but the opportunities of its implementation.

Such diseases as Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, angina, herniated discs, the defeat of the trigeminal nerve, sinusitis can be successfully treated almost without any material costs as well as wasting time and funds on rehabilitation. It is certainly important to reduce the length and cost of the effective treatment, but you should have a broader look. What do I mean?

There will be budgetary saving on medicine, but it will be insignificant due to relatively low investments. I’d like to say about army. Service life extension, for example, for military pilots, due to recess of their attrition by reason of health, i.e. spinal disc herniation (almost all of them have this problem), is able not only to give health to these pilots, but also significantly reduce the losses incurred with new staff training to change the previous one . I didn’t search into a matter in detail, but I know that the training of a fighter pilot is expensive for state and costs about a million dollars.

By extension the service term of healthy pilots, for example for 5 years, what kind of savings can we get (taking into account their quantity)? I am ready to give more detailed comment to any questions arising from use of method ground, if these questions will arise, since I understand, that it’s impossible to answer to some questions of such a global issue in such a short note.

Finally, despite of its simplicity and even primitiveness (as for use) this method of treatment has no chances to be implemented in other countries, than Russia and former Republic of the Soviet Union. This is due to peculiarities of laws regarding treatment standards use. Therefore, not only the authorship belongs to us, but we will implement it easier than others. Also because we do not have such a powerful industry on patients’ pockets emptying, which has America, Israel, Germany and France, it will be easier to do it without them.

One patient with Parkinson's disease, for whom these drugs are not useful, nevertheless, brings to their producers from two hundred up to five hundred dollars a month. It's just an example, however, if we take into account not one disease, then it will a great amount, which can be directed to needing economy sector , but not "abroad “.

Andrei Ponomarenko




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